Starting from June, Blossomer Club introduces a brand new membership system, offering various benefits and privileges to enhance everyone's shopping experience. The membership is divided into three tiers:

Basic Tier: Customers who make a single purchase of RM200 or more can apply to join Blossomer Club as a member.

  • Membership Maintenance Criteria: None
  • Membership Validity: Permanent


  • Birthday Gift: During your birthday month, make a purchase on the Bloom & Blossom official website (with a minimum spend of RM200) to redeem a free hydrosol (subject to availability, regardless of price).
  • Referral Reward Points: For every friend you refer who makes their first purchase on the official website (with a minimum spend of RM400), both you and your friend will receive benefits. You will be automatically receive 50% of your friend's purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in your loyalty program record. Your friend will be automatically receive an additional 50% of their purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in their loyalty program record. Example: If friend A makes their first purchase of RM450 on the website, you will receive 225 points, which will be added to your loyalty program record. At the same time, friend A will also receive an additional 225 points, which will be added to their loyalty program record. By accumulating RM3000/RM6000/RM9000 in your loyalty program record by December 31, you can redeem rewards for free. (Note: The referral system is not mandatory. As a Blossomer, you are not obligated to refer friends to make purchases at Bloom & Blossom.)
  • Priority Participation in Bloom & Blossom Events:Attendance at small-scale private events exclusively for members.


Intermediate Tier: Lavender VIP Membership

  • Membership Criteria: Existing members who have accumulated purchases exceeding RM3000 within one year are eligible to apply for an upgrade to Lavender VIP Premium Membership.
  • Membership Maintenance Criteria: To maintain Lavender VIP Premium Membership, members must make purchases exceeding RM3000 annually.
  • Membership Validity: One year (until December 31st)


  • Birthday Gift: During your birthday month, make a purchase on the Bloom & Blossom official website (with a minimum spend of RM200) to redeem a free hydrosol (subject to availability, regardless of price).
  • Free exclusive birthday gift set.
  • Free attendance at small-scale private events exclusively for VIP participants.
  • Referral Reward Points: For every friend you refer who makes their first purchase on the official website (with a minimum spend of RM400), both you and your friend will receive benefits. You will be automatically receive 60% of your friend's purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in your loyalty program record. Your friend will be automatically receive an additional 60% of their purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in their loyalty program record. Example: If friend A makes their first purchase of RM450 on the website, you will receive 270 points, which will be added to your loyalty program record. At the same time, friend A will also receive an additional 270 points, which will be added to their loyalty program record. By accumulating RM3000/RM6000/RM9000 in your loyalty program record by December 31, you can redeem rewards for free. (Note: The referral system is not mandatory. As a Blossomer, you are not obligated to refer friends to make purchases at Bloom & Blossom.)
  • Enjoy a 5% discount on year-round purchases on the official website: No minimum spend, applicable to regular-priced items only.
  • Exclusive 15% discount during promotional events.

Top Tier: Damask Rose VVIP Membership

  • Membership Criteria: Lavender VIP members who have accumulated purchases exceeding RM6000 within one year are eligible to apply for an upgrade to Lavender VIP Premium Membership.
  • Membership Maintenance Criteria: To maintain Damask Rose VVIP Membership, members must make purchases exceeding RM6000 annually.
  • Membership Validity: One year (until December 31st)


  • Birthday Gift: During your birthday month, make a purchase on the Bloom & Blossom official website (with a minimum spend of RM200) to redeem a free hydrosol (subject to availability, regardless of price).
  • Free exclusive birthday gift set.
  • Birthday lunch treat.
  • Free attendance at small-scale private events exclusively for VIP & VVIP participants.
  • Referral Reward Points: For every friend you refer who makes their first purchase on the official website (with a minimum spend of RM400), both you and your friend will receive benefits. You will be automatically receive 70% of your friend's purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in your loyalty program record. Your friend will be automatically receive an additional 70% of their purchase amount as loyalty points, accumulating in their loyalty program record. Example: If friend A makes their first purchase of RM450 on the website, you will receive 315 points, which will be added to your loyalty program record. At the same time, friend A will also receive an additional 315 points, which will be added to their loyalty program record. By accumulating RM3000/RM6000/RM9000 in your loyalty program record by December 31, you can redeem rewards for free. (Note: The referral system is not mandatory. As a Blossomer, you are not obligated to refer friends to make purchases at Bloom & Blossom.)
  • Enjoy a 10% discount on year-round purchases on the official website: No minimum spend, applicable to regular-priced items only.
  • Exclusive 20% discount during promotional events.

Blossomer Club從6月起推出全新會員制度,祭出各項福利與優惠,致力提升大家的消費體驗。


初階 : 單筆消費滿RM200,即可申請加入Blossomer Club的會員。

  • 會員資格維持條件: 無條件
  • 會員資格有效期限:永久


  • 生日月份兌換禮物 : 生日月份在Bloom & Blossom官網消費(單筆滿RM200以上),即可免費兌換一瓶純露(不限價格,唯需視貨源是否充足)。
  • 推薦人獎勵積分 : 每推薦一位朋友到官網首次單筆消費須達RM400以上。你自動享獲對方消費金額的50%積分,納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。對方自動享獲消費金額的額外50%積分,納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。舉例:朋友A到官網首次單筆消費RM450。你即可享有225積分,此225積分將納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。與此同時,朋友A也可獲得額外225積分,此225積分將納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。只要忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄於12月31日前達到RM3000 / RM6000 / RM9000即可免費兌換獎勵品。(備註:此推薦人制度非強制性,意即身為Blossomer的你,無須"一定要"推薦朋友前來Bloom & Blossom消費)
  • 優先參加Bloom & Blossom舉辦的活動 : 參加僅限會員出席的小型私人活動。


中階 : Lavender VIP高級會員

  • 申請條件: 初階會員於一年內累積消費超過RM3000,即可申請升級成Lavender VIP高級會員。
  • 會員資格維持條件: 每年須消費RM3000以上方能維持LAVENDER VIP高級會員資格。
  • 會員資格有效期限: 一年 (12月31日結束)


  • 生日月份兌換禮物 : 生日月份在Bloom & Blossom官網消費(單筆滿RM200以上),即可免費兌換一瓶純露(不限價格,唯需視貨源是否充足)。
  • 免費贈送獨家生日禮盒。
  • 免費出席限VIP參與的線下小型沙龍活動。
  • 推薦人獎勵積分: 每推薦一位朋友到官網首次單筆消費須達RM400以上。你自動享獲對方消費金額的60%積分,納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。對方自動享獲消費金額的額外60%積分,納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。舉例:朋友A到官網首次單筆消費RM450。你即可享有270積分,此270積分將納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。與此同時,朋友A也可獲得額外270積分,此270積分將納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。只要忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄於12月31日前達到RM3000 / RM6000 / RM9000即可免費兌換獎勵品。(備註:此推薦人制度非強制性,意即身為Blossomer的你,無須"一定要"推薦朋友前來Bloom & Blossom消費)
  • 常年於官網購物自動享有5%折扣: 無低消限制,唯,僅限常價產品。
  • 折扣活動期間獨享15%折扣。


  • 申請條件: Lavender VIP高級會員於一年內累積消費超過RM6000,即可申請升等Damask Rose VVIP頂級會員。
  • 會員資格維持條件: 每年須消費RM6000以上方能維持Damask Rose VVIP頂級會員資格。
  • 會員資格有效期限: 一年 (12月31日結束)


  • 生日月份兌換禮物 : 生日月份在Bloom & Blossom官網消費(單筆滿RM200以上),即可免費兌換一瓶純露(不限價格,唯需視貨源是否充足)。
  • 免費贈送獨家生日禮盒。
  • 生日午餐款待。
  • 免費出席限VIP & VVIP參與的線下小型沙龍活動。
  • 推薦人獎勵積分: 每推薦一位朋友到官網首次單筆消費須達RM400以上。你自動享獲對方消費金額的70%積分,納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。對方自動享獲消費金額的額外70%積分,納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄。舉例:朋友A到官網首次單筆消費RM450。你即可享有315積分,此315積分將納入你的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。與此同時,朋友A也可獲得額外315積分,此315積分將納入對方的忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄中。只要忠誠計畫累積消費紀錄於12月31日前達到RM3000 / RM6000 / RM9000即可免費兌換獎勵品。(備註:此推薦人制度非強制性,意即身為Blossomer的你,無須"一定要"推薦朋友前來Bloom & Blossom消費)
  • 常年於官網購物自動享有10%折扣: 無低消限制,唯,僅限常價產品。
  • 折扣活動期間獨享20%折扣。